Clean 9 Diet

Tuesday 10 February 2015


What everybody ought to know about the NEW Clean 9 Diet:  It's designed to kick-start the Forever FIT Programme & cleanse your body.



Here are the contents of your NEW Clean 9 Diet pack, in the exact quantities you need for the 9 days:

2 tubs Aloe Vera Gel: one of Forever’s bestselling products and the cornerstone to a healthy diet.

15 servings Forever Lite Ultra with Aminotein: healthy meal replacement shakes, packed with nutrients. Choose chocolate or vanilla.

18 tablets Forever Therm: innovative formula containing a special blend of vitamins.

54 Forever Garcinia Plus softgels: a weight management supplement from a tree native to southeast Asia.

9 sticks Forever Fibre: water soluble fibre supplement.

SHAKER : Take your shakes and supplements wherever you go with this cleverly designed special shaker.

TAPE MEASURE: Are you measuring up? Keep track of your progress throughout the programme.

INFORMATION BOOKLET: Clear concise info and guidance.

What a great way to start transforming your diet and fitness habits! It isn’t surprising that Forever’s Clean 9 Diet features at the TOP of Google’s Top Diet List.

You can buy it securely here, direct from Forever:

Please scroll down to earlier posts for a fuller description of each of the new Clean 9 Diet pack contents.



Thursday 5 February 2015


A Secret Of Clean 9 Diet I Wanted To Share With You Is Forever Garcinia Plus ... 

Not that Forever Living are keeping this ingredient of their Clean 9 Diet secret - far from it! But, just as I shared with you in an earlier post my feeling that Forever Aloe Gel contributes to Clean 9 Diet being TOP OF GOOGLE'S TOP DIET LIST, I felt I must give Garcinia a special mention.

Also known as malabar tamarind or brindle berry, Garcinia Cambogia's a tree native to South East Asia. Its fruit - prized for centuries in Southern India and Thailand for culinary and beneficial purposes - is used today as a weight management supplement.

You get 54 softgels in your stylish Clean 9 Diet pack - 6 for each of the 9 days.

I love the way Forever have created a pack that makes Clean 9 so simple and straightforward to follow - and think you'll love that too! (By the way, you can buy the tub illustrated above as an individual item, securely, HERE.)


Wednesday 4 February 2015


You've heard how Natalie got on with Clean 9 diet and the Forever FIT challenge - so I thought you might like to hear from Ron.

Here's his story: