Clean 9 Diet

Thursday 13 April 2017


clean 9 diet

Clean 9 Diet is a great way to kick-start the Forever FIT weight management programme.

Much has already been written here about how the Clean 9 Diet works, the pack contents and so on, so now I want to focus on the benefits of transforming our diet and fitness habits.

These benefits are obvious in one sense but not in others. Obesity is increasingly seen almost as a curse of the modern age and for health reasons it isn’t a desirable state.

But it is much easier to develop bad habits than it is to adopt good ones – especially good habits that we stick to through thick and thin (pun not intended!)

Clean 9 Diet gets us thinking about our body and what we’re putting into it, which can only be a good thing. Remember the saying ‘We are what we eat’? Well of course the same applies to what we drink!

So, from our first sip of the Aloe Vera Gel that’s a key ingredient of Clean 9, it’s worth thinking about what we are ingesting and why.

Gwyneth Paltrow has plenty to say on the subject and while we may not agree with her all the time (or even any of the time) she certainly puts a lot of thought into her food and drink intake. And she looks good on her regime, doesn’t she?

I love the cleansing effect of Forever’s Aloe Vera Gel and the sense that after drinking it for two days we are effectively starting with a clean slate.

This in itself, I think, helps us focus on the quality (or otherwise) of the next things we ingest and on whether they’re healthy or unhealthy.

Clean 9 Diet is the first part of the nutritionally-balanced programme known as Forever FIT. We can stop at the end of its 9-day duration or move on to F15 – the optional next step to help us develop good diet and fitness habits for life.

We each make our own fitness choices. I leave you to choose the ones that are right for you!

While choosing, I hope you will enjoy this little info video: